Im Toon Dilijan. For true connoisseurs of beauty and peace

Im Toon Dilijan is a unique place for connoisseurs of beauty, peace, and harmony. It’s an exquisite restaurant of Armenian and international cuisine and it’s also a hotel.

The founder of Im Toon Dilijan is the creator of the famous restaurant chain Dolmama Zhirayr Avanyan. He planned on building his own house here. But at the last moment, something went wrong, and “the bedrooms became part of the hotel, the garage became a kitchen, the kitchen itself turned into a bar, and the rest of the area into a restaurant.”

“It’s not a restaurant or a hotel, but a real house where I meet guests every morning. It's quiet and comfortable here. I wanted to create such an atmosphere where you can relax,” Zhirayr Avanyan notes.

Im Toon Dilijan resembles an elegant mansion where you will definitely appreciate the first-class menu, exquisite design, and music (records with hits of the world jazz are personally chosen by Zhirayr).

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